Product Listing
Nano Scale Coating Materials
Industrial NanoCoat
PUREtek - Water Remediation Additive
KARBONtek Degreasers
Oil Eliminator
SIGMAtek Flame Suppressant
Clear Metal Jacket
SIGMAtek Absorbent Surface Treatment:
SIGMAtek Non-Absorbent Surface Treatment:
Anti Corrosion Treatment:
NanoCoat Clear:
NanoCoat Colour:
OENano – Sell Sheet NanoCoat Clear
OENano – Sell Sheet NanoCoat Grey (Colored)
PUREtek is an environmentally responsible water cleanup additive. The product category is composed of 3 core formulations, one of which is selected based on the end use of the treated and repurposed water.
Phase I: Waste water to be redirected into streams, rivers and waterways.
Phase II: Oil Spill remediation of large volume bodies of water.
Industry Examples:
Is an environmentally friendly and newly developed technology in the field of degreasing. It replaces dangerous solvents, harsh abrasives and caustic chemicals. Custom made variations are available to address your challenging cleaning needs or use the standard formulation for use with a wide variety of applications. Degreaser can be economically diluted with water to suit the situation or used full strength on the toughest cleaning jobs. This product can be used in a wipe-down form, high pressure wash or for immersion cleaning. KARBONtek Degreaser has been tested in some harsh commercial and industrial situations and outperformed competitive degreaser products. Try some today to see if you will also save time, money and or labor to clean up your oily, greasy areas.
Version 1 – KARBONtek Industrial Degreaser (multi-use degreaser)
Version 2 – KARBONtek Phase Splitting Degreaser (PSD separates oil from water for potential recovery)
Version 3 – KARBONtek Petroleum Dissolving Degreaser (PDD dissolves petroleum products into an aqueous solution)
PDD effectively removes grease, oil, ink, petroleum and soot from industrial surfaces while dissolving petroleum/paraffin into aqueous solution. This product may be used as packaged or diluted with water according to the project specifications for the cleaning of industrial vehicles, surfaces and infrastructure. This product is particularly efficient on dilution and dispersion of oil extraction products. Save hours of labor degreasing vehicles, machine parts, concrete pads, railcars, transit vehicles, industrial equipment and so much more. PDD is user friendly, has no toxic fumes and is easy to dispose of once diluted.
MFStek recommends that this product be evaluated undiluted and then use 1:10, 1:20, 1:40 and 1:100 dilutions to access product performance and cost optimization.
Areas of Application:
OENano – Sell Sheet KARBONtek PDD
OE Nano Sell Sheet for Industrial Degreaser
Is a bioactive, water-soluble Cleaning Agent that solubilizes staining generated by fats and oils and thus ensures the complete bio-degradation.
Oil Eliminator includes innovative surfactants which possess enormous cleaning power as well as the following features:
Areas of Application:
OENano Sell Sheet for Oil Eliminator
Flame Suppressant Coating is a water based flame-resistant treatment for materials such as wood, paper, and natural/synthetic materials. Product may be used as pre-treatment for future flame protections or as an extinguisher with residual effects. May also be used as a sub-layer in conjunction with other MFStek ultra-thin coatings. Product yield is dependent on the extinguishing/application process and the absorbency of the substrate. The technology is designed to be a flame suppressor and inhibitor.
AT LEFT: Carbon Steel sample with no protection was submerged in a salt water solution for 1 hour. AT RIGHT: 3 samples of Carbon Steel which were immersed in the same salt water solution for 1 hour. Note the visible horizontal line on these 3 pieces – this depicts point to which Clear Metal Jacket was dipped (top half) .
Clear Metal Jacket is a removable temporary corrosion protection coating system, designed to be used as a dip or spray application material for the anti-corrosion protection of carbon (mild) steel and other metallic substrates. The environmentally responsible, user safe (OH&S) and proprietary blend of film forming corrosion inhibitors leaves a microscopic homogeneous film.
The water based coating material may be used as is (without dilution) and does not need to be chemically or mechanically removed prior to machining, nor does it impede on the adhesion of standard industrial paints. By altering the surface properties via an ultra-thin functional layering system, Clear Metal Jacket eliminates the need for traditional oil dip processes, which due to flammability risks, require pre-machining/welding removal. Use Clear Metal Jacket for superior performance, return on investment and safety.
Recommended Use Instructions
In addition to Clear Metal Jacket, we offer two complimentary technologies, satisfying the requirements of the complete steel manufacturing, transportation, storage and machining supply chain:
Clear Metal Jacket is available in 1,000L totes or 20,000L tankers and made in Canada.
Contact Us for more information about Clear Metal Jacket and samples